Saturday, 4 June 2011

Love protects

Pascal: "Men never do evil so completely and cheerfully as when they do it from religious conviction."

It is a shame on the church that the self-righteous bigots in "religious" setups preach love while they practice hate. The gospel is about restoration, forgiveness, and healing.

Love protects and covers peoples' faults, not exposes and destroys them; that's the anti-Christ spirit. LOVE LIKE GOD!!!

Bishop Michael Reid

People need a meeting with the LIVING GOD

"He heals the broken-hearted, sets the prisoner free."
The remedy for 'hurts' is not sympathy and psychological pandering to anger and hate!!!

People need a meeting with the LIVING GOD who heals and delivers from all forms of 'hurt.' What they do not need is support in self righteousness justifying their evil and UNCHRISTIAN reactions that do the devil's work, destroying people!!! GLORY!!!!

Bishop Michael Reid

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