Friday, 1 April 2011


"The hardest thing for man to do, and woman, is to admit our inability to improve or help ourselves. Adam and Eve tried fig leaves to hide their shame, but God made coverings of animal skins.

God's provision for our need, since all our righteousness is as filthy rags, is to give us His righteousness.
He has made provision for total redemption in Jesus Christ." WHAT GREAT GRACE!!!!!

Bishop Michael Reid

William Law

William Law:"The whole nature of Christianity lies upon these two great pillars,namely the greatness of our fall,and the greatness of our redemption.---And everyone is more or less truly converted to God, according as he is inwardly sensible of these two truths." To neglect the truth of human depravity defrauds people of the true gospel.

William Law

Spiritual growth and development

The growing stages of a Christian from new birth (being born again) to maturing in the faith.

Recorded 8th February 2011 in Harrow, with Bishop Michael Reid

For more information, please visit:

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