The issue is this, who founded Peniel Church, when was their premises purchased they are on now, who paid for it, how was the mortgage raised to build the Church from which account was the mortgage paid.
Did Bishop Benson Idahosa Raise the money to buy testimony house, for what purpose.
Can you respond to all these.
The charge is that Bishop Reid committed adultery, well but the Bishop went before the whole church to ask for forgiveness and stepped down from office and called for the council of Bishops and Apostle to take him through restoration.
After three meeting with the Peniel leaders during when the leadership agreed, a draft was made by the Apostles and Bishops which was agreed by the Peniel Leadership, Bishop Reed was taken through the restoration process as agreed.
After the process the leadership decided to go ahead and take over the church, sacked the wife Dr Ruth Reed who has committed no offense, changed the name of the church and also now they want to send Them out of the property bought for them by Bishop Benson Idahosa so that they can become homeless.
Haven't laboured so hard to pioneer a church with such great success for 32 years and to see it taken by those raised by them, whom they helped in their times of need but now turn their backs at them at such a time like this.
You think about this. Remember 1Cor.5: 10 which says" For we must all appear before the Judgment seat of Christ, that each one may receive what is due him for things done while in the body, wether good or bad."
Consider this, can you give us scripture that permit such wickedness.
The Hypocrisy:
All who accuse Bishop Reed, can they come out to say publicly that they themselves were all virgins when they got married, have they never had intercourse with some other persons in their entire life apart from their spouses and if they cannot say yes to this then what did the bible teach us about those who fall. Read Gal. 6:1-5.
The Result of Folly:
Since the removal of Bishop and Dr Ruth Reed, the Peniel church has has been crumbling from about 850 people to their record low of less than 200 and now they have given the church to someone else and changed the name to Trinity church. If God is with them, then can you tell us why is the work dyeing rather that growing.
I will like to appeal to the entire body of christ in this country and abroad to rise up against this injustice and act of gross wickedness.
by going to to express their support for the Bishop and His wife.
Apostle T.B Williams