Monday 7 March 2011

Jesus Christ heals TODAY!!

Baby Sam was sent home from hospital to die; Joe's wife was told there was little hope of him recovering from a massive heart attack; Udmillah's body was riddled with cancer; Osteoarthritis had left Merle all but a cripple.

See for yourself how ordinary folk found God's miracle healing power. "Seeing is believing"!!

During 1991, over 2000 people attended meetings at Peniel Bible Assembly, Brentwood, Essex and witnessed God's miracle power at first hand.
People all over the world have come to these meetings seriously ill without a belief in God, or discouraged in their faith - and left healed, converted, victorious!

Jesus Christ heals TODAY. Watch this documentary and you'll soon get the message.

If you would like prayer toady, please contact us on: UK +44 (0) 1277 375 753 or email:

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